With the trademark name of 'Stealth' these 33' commercial-grade, walk-behind lawn mowers satisfy both the demand from the homeowner for a durable, quality mower giving all the traditional advantages of a commercial, intermediate-sized walk-behind lawn mower, and, also, present the lawn care professional a more compact mower compared to standard 36' machines.
The Stealth point effectively fills this niche that was missing in our Outdoor Power Equipment business for quite a while. The commercial user of today is focused on streamlining their business to maximise time and cost advantages. This means that, most of the time, applying 21' lawn mowers in conjunction with their larger machines isn't productive.
At the same time, many of today's homeowners - especially those with moderate to larger properties - will also be looking at their range of advantages in evaluating the possibilities to them in maintaining their own lawns. In many instances, standard 21' walk-behind lawn mowers really are a poor choice for these residential users. Lawn vehicles or cyclists can be cumbersome and lack the speed and nimbleness of conventional, advanced walk-behinds. Larger (36 ') walk-behinds usually are too large or impractical. The perfect solution in most instances will be the Stealth line of walk-behind lawnmowers.
The Stealth mower provides substantial advantages for the landscaper or the homeowner. First, it's small enough to fit through gates and into areas where the more traditionally-styled 36' and larger intermediate mowers just cannot be properly used. It gives the advantages that exist from having an intermediate, commercial-style lawn mower: (1) commercial design for toughness (2) high-speed cutting to reduce time and expense (3) tough, gear-driven transmissions with selectable speeds to match the cutting conditions (4) a 12.5hp Briggs & Stratton, commercial-grade, electronic start engine (optional Honda engine) and (5) often mulching or area launch standard with an available steel commercial grass catcher.
Also, the Stealth has some additional, unique qualities over almost every other lawn mowers. First, it is easier to use when compared to a standard 36-inch or 48-inch professional mower. A traditionally-styled advanced mower was created with a system that will require a constant blending or delivering of brake levers. These levers usually are stiff and tiring to use - those people with propensities towards wrist or hand issues (read, 'carpal tunnel ') will shortly find they cannot satisfactorily use such equipment. Also, such products could be difficult to move in reverse. Finally, they don't often supply the flexibility of mulching which today is in demand on many lawn mowers.
The Stealth is a much more maneuverable size. Additionally it is lighter than the usual standard 36' unit. It has two easy-to-hold levers to activate the durable, machined all-steel gearing system. It boasts a unique os featuring a differential. Which means that using a small 'body English' the mower could be maneuvered as being a typical 21' walk-behind lawn mowers. The end result is rapidly, fatigue-free cutting.
More details is available on this page.
The cut quality is great. The blade tip speed - it has 3 blades - is 18,500 feet per-minute. This really is an exceptionally high blade speed and along with the patented blade design results in a manicured cut that can satisfy even the most discriminating user. It mulches exceptionally well and turns to part release by removing one menu. If desired the recommended grass catcher could be rapidly fitted. The Stealth is successful and every one using it boasts of its benefits.